SuperLogic International Spring 2022 logic contest — Registration open

Let logic rule the world! From March 30 to April 12, kids are welcome to try out for the exciting online logic contest for kids 5-8 years old.

Who can take part?

  • Preschoolers (Grade K)
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2

Why LogicLike contests?

  • See how well your kids can tackle tricky logic tasks.
  • Encourage your kids’ competitiveness in a beneficial way.
  • Get an official reward for your kids' success and boost their motivation.

What's in the scope?

  • Patterns. Untangling and completing patterns.
  • Sweet and sour math. Counting money to keep the budget right.
  • Bringing order to the house. Lodging dwellers and making them best neighbors.
  • Working out the truth in a pool of falsehood. White cannot be black, and must not be anything else but white.
  • Trying self out as a detective: seeking for common things and reconstructing sequences.
  • Rummaging in photographs. Trying to find out where the photograph was taken.
  • Long live chess! Working out the moves of King, Rook and Bishop.
  • The usual Sudoku in a special outfit.
  • … and all the best of the ever-popular logic classics.

Are there any awards?

  • Every kid will get a certificate of the participant.
  • Winners will get certificates of award and the Contest Cup badges to feature in their profiles in LogicLike Rankings.

Contest details

  • Every school grade will have their own test. Tests will open on March 30, 8am PMT (UTC-4) and will close on April 12, 8am PMT (UTC-4).
  • Test time is limited to 60 minutes. Kids can do their tests anytime during March 30 - April 12, but only once.
  • Registration is required. Registration closes on March 30, 8am PMT (UTC-4).
  • Participation is free!

How to register?

  • Log in to your account in LogicLike or create a new account.
  • Go to Contests in the menu (More >> Contests).
  • Select the grade.
  • Click on the Register button.
Not using our platform yet? Create an account and register for the contest.

Any tech requirements?

To enjoy the most of the contest, we recommend the following:

  • Stable connection to the Internet. This will enable smooth loading of tasks, uninterrupted display of images, and will ensure all the answers your kid submits reach us safe and sound.
  • Web browser updated to the latest version. Google Chrome and Safari have proved to be fine, though we are not limiting you in choice. Internet Explorer has long been out of updates and tech support — we do not recommend this browser.
  • Use a tablet for the contest. Make sure your tablet’s browser is of the latest version. (Updates are available in GooglePlay or AppStore)
  • Using a smartphone for the contest is the least advisable. At the same time, of course, you can use a smartphone, should there be no other alternative for you.

Never panic or quit the unfinished test. In case of a tech trouble, open another browser, or log in to LogicLike on a different device, go to Contests and continue the test. Your kid will be able to continue exactly from where he or she has stopped at. No answer will be lost. However, remember the test time will not start anew!

Where will I find the test?

  • Make sure it is one of the days between March 30, 8am PMT (UTC-4) and April 12, 8am PMT (UTC-4).
  • Log in to your account and go to More >> Contests in the menu.
  • Click on the "Start test" button. The 60 minutes of the test time will start counting.

When can I know the results?

The results of the contest will be available on April 13, 12am UTC-4. Check your LogicLike account for the results.

Once registered for the event, you will be receiving news about it. Make sure, your account has a saved email address. See you at SuperLogic!

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