LogicLike features 2000+ puzzles to develop logic, quick thinking, attention, and memory while playing. Interactive puzzles and brainteasers, puzzles with cells, Sudoku, amusing questions and many more.
For kids, game is a natural activity, a basic way to develop thinking skills and their personality. What are children always happy to do? Sure, play! On their own, with their parents or peers, toys, and other things they find interesting.
When playing, children explore the world: they learn about the properties and features of items around them, look into social roles and ways to interact with other children and adults, acquire skills and affirm their independence.
The curious mind of a child is in constant search of something new. It's important not to ignore this quality but, vice versa, use it to improve development and learning of babies, preschoolers, and shool kids.
Discover our special puzzles and many more in the LogicLike thinking development course. The learning process starts with easy tasks and moves on to advanced ones.
Good logic games develop attention and quick thinking, as well as the ability to find out-of-the-box solutions.
Each game has its own educational capacity: developing logic, attention, and quick thinking.
Using games as a basic way to develop logic and thinking is very effective, especially for kids in grades 1-5. Among many games that develop logic, memory, and thinking in elementary school children, we recommend the following:
Regular exercising helps to train memory, quick thinking, and attention. A multi-level program, complex and consistent development of thinking and logic in children.